TA OS Weinbar by Lausterer


Year: 2018

Location: Stuttgart, Germany


Lausterer was a traditional bistro at the heart of Stuttgart. After the handover, the new owner wanted to renew the place in order for it to be coherent with the other branches. The aim was to create an atmosphere that is suitable for wine tasting and dining. Due to the building being an old structure, the narrow form of the place required careful arrangement of elements in the space. The design was shaped around the long wooden table that was placed diagonally in relation with the room shape as a center piece. This provided more room for movement on both sides, and made the main function of the place explicit by emphasizing the presence of the long table. The functional kitchen blocks that are right next to the long table made the food transportation from the kitchen upstairs to the dining area possible with the integrated elevator system. Quick and easy preparation work is done here using the fundamental kitchen equipment placed in these blocks, allowing the customers to experience the space at its finest.

For further information on the project please contact me!


Functionally Graded Concrete Shell


Additive Manufacturing for Complex Concrete Casting